





De Dreu C.K.W., Kluwer E.S., Euwema M.S. & Vegt G.S. van der (2017), Conflict and culture across time and space: work and legacy of Evert van de Vliert, Negotiation and Conflict Management Research 10(2): 141-152.

Boot N., Baas M., Van Gaal S., Cools R. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2017), Creative cognition and dopaminergic modulation of fronto-striatal networks: integrative review and research agenda, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 78: 13-23.

Kret M.E. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2017), Pupil-mimicry conditions trust in partners: Moderation by oxytocin and group membership, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 284(1850).

Gundemir S., Homan A.C., Dovidio J. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2017), The impact of organizational diversity policies on minority employees’ leadership self-perceptions and goals, Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 24(2): 172-188.

De Wilde T.R.W., Ten Velden F.S. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2017). The neuropeptide oxytocin enhances information sharing and group decision making quality, Scientific Reports 7: e40622.

Goclowska M.A., Baas M., Elliot A.J. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2017).Why schema-violations are sometimes preferable to schema-consistencies: the role of interest and openness to experience, Journal of Research in Personality 66: 54-69.

Gross J. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2017), Oxytocin conditions trait-based rule adherence, Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 12(3): 427-435.

De Dreu C.K.W. , Gross J.A.J., Méder Z.Z., Giffin M.R., Prochazkova E., Krikeb J. & Columbus S. (2016). In-group defense, out-group aggression, and coordination failures in intergroup conflict, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113(38): 10524-10529.


De Dreu C.K.W., Kret M.E. & Sauter D.A. (2016), Assessing emotional vocalizations from cultural in-group and out-group depends on oxytocin, Social Psychological and Personality Science 7(8): 837-846.

Baas M., Nijstad B.A., Boot N.C. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2016), Mad genius revisited: Vulnerability to psychopathology, biobehavioral approach-avoidance, and creativity., Psychological bulletin 142(6): 668-692.

Ten Velden F.S., Daughters K. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2017), Oxytocin promotes intuitive rather than deliberated cooperation with the in-group, Hormones and Behavior 92: 164-171.

Kleibeuker S.W., De Dreu C.K. & Crone E.A. (2016), Creativity development in adolescence: Insight from behavior, brain, and training studies, New directions for child and adolescent development 151: 73-84.

De Dreu C.K.W. & Balliet D. (2016), Intergroup competition may not be needed for shaping group cooperation and cultural group selection., The Behavioral and brain sciences 39: e36.

De Dreu C.K.W. & Sligte D. (2016), Creativiteit krijg je niet voor niks: Over de psychologie van creativiteit in werk en wetenschap. Assen: Van

Giacomantonio M., Ten Velden F.S. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2016), Framing effortful strategies as easy enables depleted individuals to execute complex tasks effectively, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 62: 68-74.

De Dreu C.K.W., Kret M.E. & Sligte I.G. (2016), Modulating prefrontal control in humans reveals distinct pathways to competitive success and collective waste, Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 11(8): 1236-1244.

Beersma B., Greer L.L., Dahlenberg S. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2016), Need for structure as asset and liability in dynamic team decision-making, Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice 20(1): 16-33.

Aaldering H., Van Kleef G.A. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2016), Oorsprong en gevolgen van parochiale cooperatie in intergroepsconflicten (Origins and consequences of parochial cooperation in intergroup conflict), Gedrag & Organisatie 29(3): 232-251.

De Dreu C.K.W., Baas M. & Boot N.C. (2016), Oxytocin enables novelty seeking and creative performance through upregulated approach: Evidence and avenues for future research., Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Cognitive science 6(5): 409-417.


Roskes M., Sligte D., Shalvi S. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2014), Does approach motivation induce right-oriented bias? Reply to Price and Wolfers (2014)., Psychological science 25(11): 2112-2115.

Balliet D., Wu J. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2014), Ingroup favoritism in cooperation: A meta-analysis., Psychological bulletin 140: 1556-1581.

De Dreu C.K.W., Baas M., Roskes M., Sligte D.J., Ebstein R.P., Chew S.H., Tong T., Jiang Y., Mayseless N. & Shamay-Tsoory S.G. (2014), Oxytonergic circuitry sustains and enables creative cognition in humans., Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 9(8): 1159-1165.

Gocłowska M.A., Baas M., Crisp R.J. & Dreu C.K.W. de (2014), Whether Social Schema Violations Help or Hurt Creativity Depends on Need for Structure., Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 40(8): 959-971.

Shalvi S. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2014), Oxytocin promotes group-serving dishonesty., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111(15): 5503-5507.

Saygi O., Greer L.L., Van Kleef G.A. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2014), Competitive representative negotiations worsen intergroup relations, Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 17(2): 143-160.

Chambers J. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2014), Egocentrism drives misunderstanding in conflict and negotiation, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 51: 15-26.

Nijstad B.A., Berger-Selman F. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2014), Innovation in top management teams: Minority dissent, transformational leadership, and radical innovations, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 23(2): 310-322.

Roskes M., Elliot A. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2014), Regulating avoidance motivation: A conservation of energy approach, Current Directions in Psychological Science 23(2): 133-138.

Gundemir S., Homan A.C., De Dreu C.K.W. & Van Vugt M. (2014), Think leader, think white? Capturing and weakening an implicit pro-white leadership bias, PloS one 9(1): e83915.

Stevenson C.E., Kleibeuker S.W., De Dreu C.K.W. & Crone E.A. (2014), Training creative cognition: Adolescence as a flexible period for improving creativity, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8: e827.

Earlier publications

De Dreu C.K.W., Shalvi S., Greer L.L., Van Kleef G.A. & Handgraaf M.J. (2012), Oxytocin motivates non-cooperation in intergroup conflict to protect vulnerable in-group members., PLoS ONE 7(11): e46751.

Stallen M., De Dreu C.K.W., Shalvi S., Smidts A. & Sanfey A.G. (2012), The herding hormone: Oxytocin stimulates in-group conformity., Psychological science 23(11): 1288-1292.

Greer L.L., Saygi O., Aaldering H. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2012), Conflict in medical teams: Opportunity or danger?, Medical education 46(10): 935-942.

Roskes M., De Dreu C.K.W. & Nijstad B.A. (2012), Necessity is the mother of invention: avoidance motivation stimulates creativity through cognitive effort., Journal of personality and social psychology 103(2): 242-256.

De Dreu C.K.W. (2012), Oxytocin modulates the link between adult attachment and cooperation through reduced betrayal aversion., Psychoneuroendocrinology 37(7): 871-880.

Dreu C.K.W. de, Nijstad B.A., Baas M., Wolsink I. & Roskes M. (2012), Working memory benefits creative insight, musical improvisation, and original ideation through maintained task-focused attention., Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 38(5): 656-669.

De Dreu C.K.W. (2012), Oxytocin modulates cooperation within and competition between groups: an integrative review and research agenda., Hormones and Behavior 61(3): 419-428.

De Dreu C.K.W., Greer L.L., Handgraaf M.J., Shalvi S. & Van Kleef G.A. (2012), Oxytocin modulates selection of allies in intergroup conflict., Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society 279(1731): 1150-1154.

Roskes M., Sligte D., Shalvi S. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2011), The right side? Under time pressure, approach motivation leads to right-oriented bias., Psychological science 22(11): 1403-7.

Baas M., De Dreu C.K.W. & Nijstad B.A. (2011), When prevention promotes creativity: The role of mood, regulatory focus, and regulatory closure., Journal of personality and social psychology 100(5): 794-809.

De Dreu C.K.W., Greer L.L., Van Kleef G.A., Shalvi S. & Handgraaf M.J. (2011), Oxytocin promotes human ethnocentrism., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108(4): 1262-1266.

Ten Velden F.S., Beersma B. & Dreu C.K.W. de (2010), It takes one to tango: the effects of dyads' epistemic motivation composition in negotiation., Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36(11): 1454-1466.

Bechtoldt MN, De Dreu CK, Nijstad BA & Choi HS (2010), Motivated information processing, social tuning, and group creativity., Journal of personality and social psychology 99(4): 622-637.

Giacomantonio M., De Dreu C.K.W. & Mannetti L. (2010), Now you see it, now you don't: interests, issues, and psychological distance in integrative negotiation., Journal of personality and social psychology 98(5): 761-774.

Bechtoldt M.N., De Dreu C.K.W., Nijstad B.A. & Zapf D. (2010), Self-concept clarity and the management of social conflict., Journal of personality 78(2): 539-574.

De Dreu C.K.W., Greer L.L., Handgraaf M.J.J., Shalvi S., Van Kleef G.A., Baas M., Ten Velden F.S., Van Dijk E. & Feith S.W.W. (2010), The neuropeptide oxytocin regulates parochial altruism in intergroup conflict among humans, Science 328(5984): 1408-1411.

Handgraaf M.J.J., Van Dijk E., Vermunt G.C.M., Wilke H.A.M. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2008), Less power or powerless? Egocentric empathy gaps and the irony of having little versus no power in social decision making., Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 95(5): 1136-1149.

Homan A.C., Van Knippenberg D.L., Van Kleef G.A. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2007), Bridging faultlines by valuing diversity: Diversity beliefs, information elaboration, and performance in diverse work groups., Journal of Applied Psychology 92(5): 1189-1199.

Homan A.C., Van Knippenberg D.L., Van Kleef G.A. & De Dreu C.K.W. (2007), Interacting dimensions of diversity: Cross-categorization and the functioning of diverse work groups., Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice 11(2): 79-94.

De Dreu C.K.W., Beersma B., Stroebe K.E. & Euwema M.C. (2006), Motivated information processing, strategic choice, and the quality of negotiated agreement., Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 90(6): 927-943.

Van Beest I., Van Dijk E., De Dreu C.K.W. & Wilke H.A.M. (2005), Do-no-harm in coalition formation: Why losses inhibit exclusion and promote fairness cognitions., Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 41: 609-617.